
Claudia Peralta-Mudd,

48. Emigrated from Buenos Aires, Argentina when I was 30.I love traveling, listening to music, taking pictures, and art. Mi dream is to be a good person who does things for others and looks to better the common good instead of personal good. We are a newly formed family. Our goal of having children was realized in 2010 through adoption. I wish that many other families would be open to the idea of adoption!

The hardest thing about being an immigrant mother is to portray your culture and language by different means than you are used to. I think that for children it can be tough to accept parents who look or speak different than the rest. I also believe that the other problem may be a miscommunication problem in which the parent does not understand the culture that the child is faced with and thus this can lead to friction. What I like the most about living in this country is the comfort that one can reach.
