Finding Your Own Voice®

Finding Your Own Voice® is an empowering wellness workshop designed specifically to help women find our own voice in the midst of cultural, social, professional and family expectations and demands.

After participating in this 5-hour workshop you will gain:

  • Increased confidence to solve problems creatively and efficiently
  • Enhanced capacity to remain focused and grounded while under stressful conditions
  • Improved ability to maintain clarity and purpose in regards to personal, family, and work related matters
  • Newly found energy to live a healthier, more balanced, and rewarding life, no matter your economic or physical limitations

Workshop Bonuses:

  • A small community of diverse and interesting women (maximum 8 participants)
  • A very special place surrounded by nature
  • Delicious home-made bread, coffee and an assortment of teas waiting for you on arrival
  • Light and healthy lunch, refreshments, and art supplies
  • A Finding Your Own Voice® art-kit for you to keep

What you invest:

  • 5  hours focused on you while attending the workshop
  • Commitment to yourself.
  • Your willingness to be open, learn and grow, and any extra time you choose to dedicate to yourself while practicing and developing Find Your Own Voice® techniques, and exploring your own journey.

Workshop fees:

This is a donation based workshop. A minimum donation of $35 is suggested, However, I am committed to making this workshop accessible and affordable to ALL women.  No matter how much you can afford to pay, your presence at this workshop is a valuable addition to the comunity that we create together.

You are encouraged to pay according to your own ability.  Fifty dollars cover the cost of healthy food and materials and $75 pays also for an art kit for you to take home. If you can afford to pay $100 or $125 please do. When you pay $125 I get a stipend for the time spent planning, advertising and facilitating the workshop and I am able to cover other expenses associated with hosting the workshop. With a contribution of $160 you provide a full scholarship for a woman in need. Any contribution is greatly appreciated. With your support I am able to provide quality workshops and programs for all while also continue to develop my own mindfulness, creativity and compassion. 

Workshops          Happening Now         REGISTER NOW

